Promote the "three reductions and three health", health with you and me
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Promote the "three reductions and three health", health with you and me

Huasheng Online News (Correspondent: Liu Wen) “In order to maintain our health, we must try to achieve 5 grams of salt per day. Excessive salt intake can increase blood pressure. The risk of cardiovascular disease has increased significantly.Increase the risk of diseases such as stomach disease, osteoporosis, obesity and other diseases … “Recently, the Health Center of Qianchong Town, Liuyang City held a” three reduction and three health “defense contests, actively responding to” threeThe call for the “health lifestyle” health lifestyle has effectively enhanced the understanding of the teachers and students of Yongchong Town for a healthy diet.
“Three -reduction and three health” is a special operation of a healthy lifestyle carried out by the country, referring to “healthy oral, healthy, healthy, healthy bones” through “reducing salt, oil reduction, and sugar reduction.”This time the “three reduction and three health” salt reduction knowledge answers adopts the method of debate, it is divided into a square view group and the opposite perspective group to debate. The students of the participating students were prepared before the game.In -depth research and discussion on the theme of “salt reduction”.
“By holding the ‘Three -reduction and Three -Jian” salt reduction defense competition, students’ health awareness has been improved, and teachers and students understand the importance of salt reduction to physical health, and enhance students’ team cooperation and language expression ability.There can be more opportunities to perform such activities.
The person in charge of the Town Health Center of Jianchong said that it will transmit “three minus and three health” healthy lifestyles in accordance with the actual situation of the township, implement the national basic public health service work, and dedicate to the health of health.
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